InFrontend EssentialsbyCristian SalcescuClass vs Factory function: exploring the way forwardECMAScript 2015 (aka ES6) comes with the class syntax, so now we have two competing patterns for creating objects. In order to compare…Mar 25, 201820Mar 25, 201820
InFrontend EssentialsbyCristian SalcescuJavaScript without “this” looks like a better functional programming languageBuilding objects and components without this, removing the arguments pseudo-parameter, and moreJan 8, 201924Jan 8, 201924
InBetter ProgrammingbyCristian SalcescuWhy I Still Don’t Like Classes in JavaScriptThe this parameter, privacy with classes are just a few pitfalls. Factory functions can be a better alternative.May 4, 20212May 4, 20212
InDailyJSbyCristian Salcescu5 Things to Know About the this Parameter in JavaScriptIt gives access to other properties, it depends on how the function is invoked and moreJul 30, 20212Jul 30, 20212